
AC services

New installation, shifting of old air conditioning units, gas recharging, servicing, annual maintenance contracts, scheduled services and check to keep your cool and your air conditioning units running smooth for a longer life .

AC services

We provide you with the right team of technically knowledge technician to take care of your valuable air conditioning unit, our technician performs the inspection of key components of AC unit like compressor, fan motor, evaporator unit, condenser unit, thermostat etc. Complete tests run to check for any faults and recommend you the right suggestion for a repair or replacement of the component.

We all know that air conditioners need to be well maintained for its efficient cooling and long life and we highly recommended that you service your home or office air conditioning system at least twice every year. Although the mechanical parts of the AC will work, the cooling efficiency is lost and then heavy load on the compressor may cause serious damages resulting in higher cost of repairing or total replacement of your air conditioning unit.

We provide repairs and service for all brands and types of air-conditioners including split, window, cassette AC’S and other centralized systems such as VRF and AHUs.

New installation, shifting of old air conditioning units, gas recharging, servicing, annual maintenance contracts, scheduled services and check to keep your cool and your air conditioning units running smooth for a longer life span.

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